1. In order to participate in the Capital Hydrotherapy program, you must attend an Initial Assessment with a Capital Hydrotherapy Exercise Physiologist or Physiotherapist, before attending your first session.
  2. If you can’t walk, get dressed, get in & out of a pool, or move around in the water unaided (carers are allowed), a one-on-one session is required
  3. The Hydrotherapy 10 pass expires in 10 weeks; the Hydrotherapy 20 pass expires in 20 weeks. If you need to extend your pass due to illness, or work commitments please email Reception.
  4. A 12 hour cancellation policy applies. Please read about the late notice fees from the link below.
  5. There are NO refunds on passes.
  6. Do not enter the water without the presence of a Capital Hydrotherapy staff member. This is a requirement of our public liability insurance, our contracts with the facilities used in our program, and our risk management procedures.
  7. Emergency Procedures: In the unlikely event of an accident or an emergency, follow the instructions given by your treating practitioner in the first instance. They have been trained in pool rescue techniques and cardio pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and in Emergency Evacuation at the pools.
  8. Do not use the pool if you have:
    • Had diarrhea or vomiting or have had other contagious diseases within the past two weeks:
    • A raised temperature (eg flu); severe sensitivity or allergy to pool chemicals;
    • Uncontrolled blood pressure;
    • An infection (eg tinea, dermatitis, thrush), open wounds or ulcers any dressings or band-aids;
    • Bladder or urinary tract infections, loss of control of bladder or bowel;
    • Bronchitis, pneumonia, shortness of breath, angina, chest problems, fits or dizzy spells.
  9. If your hair is long use a cap or a clip or tie it back.
  10. Do not leave any possessions in cubicles. To avoid the risk of falls and slips to all users, do not use powders or creams in cubicles. Leave the pool areas and cubicles clean and tidy.
  11. All Hydrotherapy sessions go for 30 mins, if you want to stay in longer or start earlier, see treating practitioner.
  12. Do not consume food or drinks (except water) or take glass containers into the pool area.
  13. Turn your phone off, and don’t bring valuables into the pool.
  14. Do not bring children onto pool deck; we try to create a calm environment on pool deck for everyone to enjoy, concentrate, breathe and relax.
  15. If you believe that you have been subjected to inappropriate or abusive behaviour, report the incident to the treating practitioner and/or Kirra Rankin and Nina Semenov immediately.
  16. Most importantly have fun and be kind to your team in the pool.

Feel free to drop us an email or simply fill out the form below and we’ll get back to you.

  • Hydrotherapy Sessions Center:
    8/2 King St, Deakin ACT 2600
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Private Health fund rebates available.

Land based Exercise Physiology sessions are also available (progression after Hydrotherapy); pilates programs, swiss ball programs, and Fall Preventions Programs. EPC and Team Care Arrangements are also available and encouraged (see your GP for referral).

Entitled Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) clients may be referred for clinically necessary Exercise Physiology treatment by their General Practitioner on a valid D904 referral form.

Submit a Referral

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Capital Hydrotherapy specialises in hydrotherapy, aquatic physiotherapy and rehabilitation. Capital Hydrotherapy is a water based exercise program, designed by Exercise Physiologists and Physiotherapists to specifically suit an individual’s needs